Oriental Medicine
Oriental Medicine focuses on the balance with harmony of the human body after releasing symptoms caused by disease, and values the constitution of the patient during treatment.
Oriental Medicine begins by acknowledging the wonders of humanity, but
the value of Traditional Medicine is being scientifically proven continuously.
Acupuncture is one of the oldest healing practices in the world. It has been practiced in Asian countries for over 2500 years. Acupuncture involves inserting very fine metallic needles with various techniques, promotes blood circulation, and helps the body to be balanced. It is a very real and safe alternative to common pain treatments such as opioid prescriptions and surgery.Moxibustion is based on the theory of Traditional Oriental medicine, and it usually bakes acupoints with burning moxa wool. Moxibustion can warm up Meridians and has been used to prevent and cure diseases with Acupuncture.We use acupuncture and moxibustion to promote natural healing through the stimulation of points along pathways known as Meridians.
We will think of what should do as getting rid of energetic blockages in your body, and feel for areas of constriction or tenderness to assess the best Acupoints to use for treatment.
Cupping therapy is based on the theory of Traditional Oriental Medicine, and an ancient technique involving suctioning the skin with glass, plastic, or wooden cups. It dilates topical capillaries and increases dermal blood flow. Blood vessels in the treated areas by cupping are dilated by the release of vasodilators such as adenosine, noradrenaline, and histamine, which lead to increased blood circulation and reduced pain and inflammation. It is a treatment that is gaining popularity around the world because it can be received lightly without any pain or burden.
Oriental Medicine approaches diseases from a different perspective than Western Medicine and offers new alternatives to patients suffering from the side effects of Western Medicine.
We will try to understand your constitution through Oriental Medical Diagnosis and then prescribe the most appropriate Herbal Medicine to you.