Physical Therapy
Physical Therapy is based on natural science and physical approach, so focuses on relieving symptoms caused by external factors. It values precise analysis, and observes even the smallest details of human body.
Western Medicine studies Anatomical contact relationships and try to find the cause of disease in abnormalities within living tissue.
The idea of achieving health through balance and harmony in the human body is consistent with holistic approach of Oriental Medicine.
Most pain and diseases come from incorrect posture caused by muscle imbalance and bad lifestyle habits. The disease cannot be fundamentally cured if patients do not make efforts continuously to change their bodies by themselves, just relying only on treatment with medicine. We counsel and treat you to change your lifestyle habits and correct your postures during treatment. After receiving massage or stretching therapy, you may be advised of appropriate exercises that can help correct body shape.
The cause of most diseases and pain is incorrect posture and lifestyle habits caused by lack of exercise, and steady exercise that corrects body shape and improves your quality of life is the shortcut to your health.
We will prescribe the best exercise to improve your quality of life and continuously work out with you with checking for changes in your body.